Autocad Join Lines Into Polyline
In this video I go over two different examples of how to join lines and polylines in autocad using the pedit command. This very useful command can close the gaps between lines to create a closed. Sep 12, 2017 If you are using AutoCAD 2013 or older, you could have problems with the objects.In order to join two objects, they have to be polylines (in the newer versions you can directly join polyline with line, arc, etc. To convert line or arc to polyline you just have to type in PE and click on the object.
Drawing polylines composed of straight segments in AutoCAD 2014 is much like drawing with the Line command. The PLine command has lots of options, so watch the prompts. If the Dynamic Input feature is on, press the down-arrow key to see the options listed near the crosshairs, or right-click to display the PLine right-click menu, or simply read the command line.
To draw a polyline composed of straight segments, follow these steps:
Autocad Create Polyline From Lines
Converting Line to Polyline: You can convert Line to Polyline using “Polyline Edit” tool of AutoCAD, using this tool you can also convert an arc or spline into a polyline. However, you can’t convert circle, ellipse and elliptical arc into a polyline using this tool. Type PE on the command line and press Enter to start polyline edit command. To Join Polylines, Splines, Lines, and Arcs Into a Single Polyline Click Home tabModify panelEdit Polyline. Select a polyline, spline, line, or arc to edit. If you selected a spline, line, or arc, press Enter to convert the selected object into a polyline. Enter j (Join). Select one or more.
Start a new drawing using the acad.dwt (or acadlt.dwt) template.
Click the Polyline button on the Draw panel of the Ribbon, or type PL at the command line and press Enter.
AutoCAD starts the PLine command and prompts you to specify a start point.
Specify the starting point by clicking a point or typing coordinates.
Now you truly need to read the command line because the Dynamic Input tooltip at the cursor doesn’t display any of the options.
You can right-click or press the down-arrow key to see a list of the options at the cursor, but it’s usually faster to use the command line.
AutoCAD displays the current polyline segment line width at the command line and prompts you to specify the other endpoint of the first polyline segment:
If the current line width isn’t zero, change it to zero by typing W to select the Width option and then entering 0 as the starting and ending widths, as shown in this command-line sequence:
Despite what you may think, a zero-width polyline segment isn’t the AutoCAD equivalent of drawing with invisible ink. Zero width means, “Display this segment using the normal, single-pixel width on the screen, and plot as thin as possible.”
Specify additional points by clicking or typing.
After you specify the second point, AutoCAD adds the Close option to the prompt. The command line shows
Pick several points to create several line segments, and then enter W to start the Width option. Then set a new width, as shown in this command line sequence:
Pick several more points and note the line width of the new segments.
Set the Width option again:
Pick another point.
You just created a cool arrowhead!
Any time AutoCAD prompts for a length or distance, you can either type a value or “show” it what you want, by picking two points.
After you finish drawing segments, press Enter to leave the figure open or type C and press Enter to close it back to the start.
AutoCAD draws the final segment and miters all the corners perfectly.
After you create a polyline, you can adjust its segments by grip-editing any of the vertex points.
Curved segments in polylines are circular arcs that you can draw using the AutoCAD Arc command. AutoCAD can draw other kinds of curves, including ellipses and splines, but not within the PLine command.
To draw a polyline that includes curved segments, follow these steps:
Repeat Steps 1–5 in the preceding step list.
To add one or more arc segments, type A and then press Enter to select the Arc option.
The prompt changes to show arc segment options. Most of these options correspond to the many ways of drawing circular arcs in AutoCAD. The command line shows
Specify the endpoint of the arc by clicking a point or typing coordinates.
AutoCAD draws the curved segment of the polyline. The prompts continue to show arc segment options.
The options at this point are to
Specify additional points to draw more arc segments.
Choose another arc-drawing method, such as Center or Second pt.
Return to drawing straight-line segments with the Line option.
In this example, you draw straight-line segments.
Perhaps the most useful of the alternative arc-drawing methods is Second pt. It gives you more control over the direction of the arc but at the cost of losing tangency of adjacent segments. If you want both ends of the arc segments to be tangent to the adjacent line segments, you should generally draw the polyline as straight-line segments and then use the Fillet command to add the arcs later.
Type L and then press Enter to select the Line option.
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The prompt reverts to showing straight-line segment options.
Specify additional points by clicking or typing.
After you’re finished drawing segments, either press Enter or type C and press Enter.
Join Polyline In Autocad
Here are some elements you can draw with the PLine command by using straight segments, arc segments, varying-width segments, or a combination of all of them.